HorizonsJan 20, 2023
— updated Nov 20, 2023
Taking Action
Empowered changemakers making a difference
为共同利益作出大胆和创造性的贡献是MHS经验的核心. 10年级学生的“地平线”倡议强化了这样一种观念:捐款不需要等待.
Now in its second year, “赋权变革者”项目要求学生选择一个对他们来说重要的事业或问题,并设计一个有意义的行动作为回应. 大二学生的视野体验为他们提供了深入研究他们关心的问题的机会,并感到有能力根据他们所学的知识采取行动.
“This is the peak of 10th grade Horizons, 学生在哪里展示和发展一个关注他们兴趣的行动项目,“地平线翡翠力量”主任解释道(更多澳门威利斯网站翡翠的信息,请参阅第22页)。. “There is structure in how they identify and research an issue, then develop their proposed actions, but there are also lots of possibilities for how they pursue their project.”
The project is also a stepping-stone to the 11th grade experience, 当学生走出校园,到更广泛的伯克希尔社区做志愿者或实习时. Their work beginsin January, 在第一学期学习了伯克希尔的历史,并准备举办秋季丰收午宴之后. Students can work alone or in groups, and projects fit one of four themes:
- Social entrepreneurship — creating a solution to a local or global issue;
- 社会活动和倡导-与他人合作,在MHS或其他地方带来社会变革;
- Service work — providing service at MHS or an outside organization;
- 个人发展对未来的影响-发展一项技能或学习一些新的东西,可以在未来有利于一个团体或组织.
“Our students are thinking ahead, and this experience is very much an opening into what is to come for them. ”
Director of Horizons
“They use a design-thinking model to guide their ideation, clearly defining and planning their process, thinking big, then narrowing down, and putting a plan into action,” Ms. Power adds. “Part of the process is learning what is needed, not just assuming what is needed, but making sure an issue is a problem people are facing, 然后与现场的人合作并建立联系,共同制定解决方案.”
The project culminates in sharing the results of their work, whether to classmates or to a wider audience in the community. And their projects last year ran the gamut. Iva Knezevic ’24 wanted to help her adopted Berkshires community. 她对科学充满热情,想把这种兴趣与当地的影响力结合起来. When a classmate told her about Volunteers in Medicine (VIM), 附近的非营利组织,为没有保险或保险不足的人提供免费医疗服务, Iva found her match.
With COVID-19 part of daily lives for more than two years, 她为VIM筹集资金,并与VIM的进步主任联系,了解社区的医疗保健需求以及如何提供帮助. 她还联系了在公共卫生和社会正义领域工作的MHS校友,向他们询问COVID的影响.
“我很想知道伯克希尔是如何具体应对疫情的,” adds Iva, who this year is interning with a physical therapist. “It’s not directly connected to my work last year, but I knew I wanted to do something related to medicine, because I realized I enjoyed that. 我喜欢这项研究,而且确实学到了更多澳门威利斯网站医学和公共卫生的不同方面, and I could connect my interest in science with something impactful.”
24岁的娜奥米·霍普金斯(Naomi Hopkins)与24岁的凯拉·戈尔(Kyla Gore)合作编写了2022年马萨诸塞州州长选举指南. 娜奥米随后利用这段经历塑造了她11年级在伯克希尔之鹰的实习经历.
For their changemaker project, 娜奥米和凯拉深入调查了该州每位州长候选人的竞选资金, researching who was donating to which campaign, examining causes those donors typically support, and, importantly, identifying how donations related to the candidates’ political stances.
“我们希望提供一种方便的方式来了解竞选资金,以及这对某人的政治意味着什么,” Naomi explains, 她补充说,深入研究并将点滴联系起来的经历,让她思考如何在今年的实习选择中展开. “We were reading news articles in The Berkshire Eagle, The Boston Globe, and other newspapers, 我意识到我正在做的研究可能会让我写一篇文章,” she adds.
Ms. Power notes, “变革者”项目为学生们提供了一个窗口,让他们了解自己的激情如何与校园以外的社区联系起来. It also prepares them to step off campus for junior and senior Horizons.
她补充道:“这让他们意识到,在决定自己的经历时,自己也是一个利益相关者。. “They can identify interests, advocate for themselves, 了解他们对什么感兴趣,对什么不感兴趣. Our students are thinking ahead, and this experience is very much an opening into what is to come for them, but at the same time, they have the opportunity to make a difference now.”
Empowered Changemaker Projects 2021-22
- Kate and Henrike volunteered at Pittsfield elementary schools.
- Diana, Daniela, Zoe, Oumou, and Nat collected blankets, socks, coats, sweaters, shirts, and pants, for Western Mass Labor Action, which operates emergency clothing programs for members.
- Malena organized a community viewing of the documentary Speak What We Feel, 她的第一阶段目标是和全国公认的邻居建立联系, Shakespeare & Company.
- 莫莉做了一个澳门威利斯网站完美主义及其如何影响青少年的研究报告.
- 基蒂和绫子创建了一个网站,呼吁人们关注流浪动物.
- Ella designed and delivered a presentation, “残疾不是一个坏词:探索围绕神经分化和残疾及其引起的问题的刻板印象和想法。,” for the 2022 Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Identity (JEDII) Teach-In.
- Hypnos, Leora, and Maddie collected donated arts and crafts, snacks, 以及匹茨菲尔德的伯克希尔儿童中心和伊丽莎白弗里曼中心的孩子们的其他游戏项目.
- Honey developed a six-week self-care project.
- 汉娜和朱莉安娜在犹太家庭服务中心做志愿者,在匹茨菲尔德和孩子们一起工作.
- 苏菲制作了一个ppt来调查古人类和尼安德特人的祖先, using modern genetic strategies.
- 伊兹审视了诗歌在我们自己、世界和我们的社区中所扮演的不可或缺的角色.
- 凯拉和娜奥米试图提供2022年马萨诸塞州州长候选人的财务透明度.
- Ruby通过当地的非营利组织Berkshire Bounty组织了一场食品募捐活动,以帮助那些遭受食品不安全的社区居民.
- Lila explored developing a psychology class at MHS.
- 扎迪研究了全球女孩在受教育方面面临的障碍,以及我们可以做些什么来帮助她们.
- Iva为医学志愿者筹集资金,并与VIM的进步主任联系,了解社区的医疗保健需求以及如何提供帮助.
- 科拉研究了内向者和外向者神经系统的差异,以及差异如何影响行为.
- L researched youth substance abuse and consequences.
- Ella, Naomi, Wel, 莉莉与伯克希尔环境行动小组(BEAT)合作,研究减少浪费和提高MHS校园可持续性的方法.
- Sophia held a vegan bake sale, with proceeds benefiting Farm Sanctuary and the Food Empowerment Project.
- Ina worked with Dr. 制作澳门威利斯网站仿生机器人和运动跟踪的视频/文档.
- Yiyi, craaye, Yuki和Jessica探讨了电子游戏添加的原因,影响和解决方案.
- Najma presented on the history and development of her home country, Somaliland, and organized a petition in support of the country’s independence.
- Carrie presented her watercolor study process, including an introduction to watercolor technique and her process.
- Joana published a poetry collection, “A Young Woman’s Symphony,” exploring themes of transracial adoption, being black, racism, growth, loss, memories, and family.
- Margot and Eden researched the Stockbridge Munsee Tribe.